My Expo Week: About Fucking Time!


I meant to do this post earlier, and about now I should be making cards for the latest hare-brained idea I’ve had (it involves Etsy). Anyway, it’s here. If you got my Facebook (and if you’re reading this within the first ten minutes of this going up then you totally do) then you’ll have already seen the bits that you’re interested in.


Day One

Travelled down to London, met a trio of Cosplayers and we hung out on the DLR until we needed to separate. I was MELTING but had thought to bring two water bottles, mini deodorant cans, and cooling spray. I brought those things in Boots a few days prior before I even knew the sun would decide to come out and cook Soggy Toast England. Turns out to have been the best fucking idea EVER.

Those on the front page, there’s more after the jump.

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The Cosplay Files – Spades Slick’s Arm and Horse Hitcher


Still comes after the fact that Expo has been! I’m hoping to have some more surprises coming up in terms of cosplay. There is Manchester and LFCC coming up in July and I have to choose which one to go to. I’m thinking it’ll be Manchester as it’s easier for me to get to. Er-hem! Some music to set the mood, and then pictures.

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The Cosplay Files: Dispenser


This comes after the fact, as I’ve just spent half a week at London Expo and partied hard. Before the pictures, and videos, from that go up here’s the Dispenser!

We started by measuring how long each wood should be. We’d already cut some, but as this wood had a smaller diameter than the joiners they would later cause us problems.

More after the jump

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The Cosplay Files – Spades Slick’s Horse Hitcher


I haven’t been updating this week as often as I’d like to, and I had been hoping to actually put the pictures up when the items were fully made. This is not the case here as I actually have to wait a few days before I can do anything with this one. Also I have some pictures on my camera I can’t upload as my laptop is bitchy about card readers.

Back on topic, I spent the best part of nine days working on this thing and I haven’t got as far as I wanted to as it got complicated rather quickly. I get the feeling I won’t be the most accurate Spades Slick, but that could be because I’m a chubby lass and not a skinny fella.

Let’s start with these blocks of wood. After all, this is where I started.

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